

Time is what which is boundless , which don't have alpha and omega ,It is what which we can't describe in words, we can't go beyond it and achieve it but the one who achieve time is the one who control the world.

Here the question rise how we can achieve time , different peoples have different answers but according to me we can achieve time by changing it . Yes! time is what which is infinite and change by each our actions of present i.e. if you want to be a business man then your today decision and actions make your tomorrow means in other wards we are achieving what we want  in future. So this is how we achieving our future and time .
Time is basically a form of life which is not linear according to some religion such as Hinduism , it is a cycle of death and born where man may come and man may go , where no one is immortal .This cycle of born and death  is called wheel of time i.e. kal chakra .                 

 According to mythologies, time is divided into four yugas -

Sat yug then treat yug than dwapar and finally kaliyug . It is believe that now we all are living in kaliyug which is last stage of whole wheel of time. Kaliyug is the period of the modern technology with new world .
Now here the question rise that how the time is divided ? this would be answer by this- As when we see the human history we can observe that time had changed many times by certain big incidents . Similarly ,these stages of time are also divided by big incidents.
 That means, when Ramayana  which is such a big scary dangerous war held , the dwapar yug start and treat yug end similarly another war also again happened  which indicates the end of last and begins the new stage.
At last we can say that the world end with big incident which indicates the end of last stage of time.
                                            "Ahamatma gudaksha                             
                                                  sarwabhutashay asthit
                                               Ahamadishra Madhya cha
                                             bhutanamanta awa cha..."
  Means life begins and goes and end with me . In the world nothing is immortal and nothing is permanent even the whole universe...
When we see Gita  a holy book we can see the time period at which the world ends here we are talking about whole world not the earth . the end of world is after 311.4trillion solar year which is called as maha pralya, in Hinduism it is the ending days of Lord brahma.
    This all mean that there is a certain point when we all have to die but now we have a question that how the earth ends ?how far we are from it? who is the cause of it -we or anybody else? what will be are future- full of sorrow or full of new world ?
Today, we all are living in modern world which is the most successful period of human history where nothing is impossible due to science .
We make science , science make technology and technology makes our today . So how we are, where we are and by whom we are is all about science.
 "The one which give  something ,is the one who also capture something" means science is that brightness which bright our world but it is also what which  one day darks the world by its darkness. Science have its advantage but its also have its disadvantages.  today , whenever it is a gadget or  an appliance all the inventions we are seeing have there drawback even the guy who  made it says sorry he / she did so..
The technology not only giving a pleasant  life but also killing another life.
All we are know very well about industrial waste but  you amazed to know these facts- we have 2.5% fresh water, in the world there are millions of industries and all they dumped the  nearly80% waste in water.14 billion pound garbage and 30 million ton sewage  we dumped in ocean  every day. Now mostly every river ,lakes are already polluted  i.e. in America itself 46% lakes and river . By drinking this dirty water more than 250 million peoples succumb to diseases related to water pollution and 3000 children die each year and 1000 children's in India die each year.
In America 1.2 trillion gallons of sewage from households and industries is dumped in water per year and this is continuously increasing due to population increase. Today we have 7.6 billion population now you see day by day  we dumping waste in water and water also we have is not sufficient today ,Scientist says that by 2025 we have 10.9 billion the population reach and water! Is already  not sufficient today so what happen in future. Water pollution is rising and now no hope we left to water pollution. this is one  of the sign of death  .

Not only water but air is also get polluted. La oroya , linfen etc. day by day not only certain cities but whole world is converting into unbreathable land   today 1000peoples die each day due to air pollution . lung of earth  mans trees are also depleting  by man greed and this greediness not only disturbing ecosystem and food chain but ozone layer too . today we losing around 759000sq km of rainforest.
 All our inventions either  big industries and  dams or household inventions such as refrigerator and ACs  are playing a role of oil in  fire to increase temperature and deplete ozone layer .Today on earth ocean water only boil  when lava or superheated substance enter but far future the day come when it easily boil by the direct heat of sun coming from big holes of ozone layer . If it happens than our atmosphere fills with water vapour and thus our mother planet earth become a fire ball .
If global temperature rise than automatically global warming increase AND Not only effect humans but destroy the natural   habitat of animals like polar bear   many more. If this Happen than water level rise definitely .By end of this century more than 10 feet water level rise and do you know today 600 million peoples living within 10meter of sea level  and if water level rise than more than 600 million peoples will have to leave their homes and finally become homeless.    

 " we people are saying ourselves modern world humans with modern technology " but  we don't know today human is only a hollow spirits of several diseases and dangerous. Not only we killing our mother but ourselves too. By pollution numerous diseases with unknown and diseases also getting chance to spread . Today , 1.7 million peoples die by cancer each   year, 1.6 by diabetes , 7.6 millions by chicken  and many more. Nowadays we drinking cold drinks but do you know  cold drinks  not only waste so much water but also has deep bad impact on body as it makes us short age human etc.
Each day we lose 150 species and each year we lose millions of peoples and one day come friends  when we lost our planet . What do you think whose fault is there for all - of technology or human greed.
 We all should remember one thing that  "greed always let destruction " today it killing us and one day it kill whole planet and finally we can say that yes! we all moving to our last judgement , our last day.
 But  how the world ends ?how the last stage of wheel of time will end ?
                                                 TO BE CONTINUED-
