1.       Beyond science

          Where we are ? Why we are?
            By whom we are?
             is all about
    World is a boundless ocean of secrets ,we neither can see its omega nor alpha. It is a book of secrets having numerous secrets of the world , we can see it but we cant understand it 's language . That's why in our human history from Aryabhat  To Einstein ,from Ramaanujan to Steven hawking, none of them get success To understand  that what the world actually is ?Who we are? Why we are ?
 "If there is no past then there will be no present no future"
Yes! In human history our past play a vital role to shape what we are now . Lets think, If we unable to found old texts , monuments then can we able to get to know out  our past? can we able to know about our ancestors?
If we enable to understand our past then we cannot make our present. As all our great scientist look over on the mythological books to make new things. Either Einstein or any one, all of them had deeply inspired by  mythologies  as they knew that our future is hidden in our  past .

"Hinduism" is the oldest religion and one of the most important religion which having such a great texts like Vedas, puran , Mahabharata etc. which not only literate us by its moral values but also by the facts and knowledge .Bhagvatgeeta is one of the book which inspired many scientists. In America there is a college where still today knowledge of these book   have been giving to peoples.
But here the  question rise , what Is that which attract the world towards  it? This would be answer by  the facts-
As all we know that in our solar system eight planets are present but do you know this is already had been discovered  and mentioned  not only in puran but also Maya Civilization had been already discovered it. Our puran also mentioned our light year speed, the distance between sun and earth and also that "The creation and Destruction of universe is in a cycle of 8.64 billion years".  Which is similar to what ur scientist calculated. It also mentioned about the tribulation period and its symptoms , names of galaxies and planets also.
In Ancient Sumerian texts there was a description about planet
So we can say our past reflects the whole world but  
Here question rise is science sufficient to us to understand world?
There is something and somewhere ,where we unsuccessful to know the world completely  by our past ,the main reason is that we are more believing in science rather than our religion our something else , we people are not trying to deeply understand what is written by our ancestors. If we do ,then many secrets and fact come to our front telling about world.
 Actually we see the world by what we learn by science we people  never ever try to think beyond it .From my views science is only a thinking of humans which is how the human see the world .
   In Ramayana and Mahabharata we can see powerful wars , we can see invisible missiles like today atom bomb ,we can see 'vimans' today we called them UFOs. This means in past our ancestors have a technology which still today science unsuccessful to discover.
Science says that different planets have different time . Now it's shocked you to know that before science our old texts had been already described this by story of Son of revata and kakudmi who went to a planet 'Bramalok' there they realized that a single moment  is equal  to  27treta yugas.
According to quantum physics
there are 10 dimensions which we know
today again in prans all these facts are mentioned which is similar to what science says. So here question is that how our ancestors knew all about the dimension  without science.
 This make it clear that there is something instead of science by which our ancestors learn these facts of world. They not only made biggest  and toughest monuments but they also knew how to communicate with other planets by make use of pyramids.
All these tings proof that the technology which we now have is very less than what we have in past. Science clearly ignored and unable to prove the religious facts but it would not be ignored .

So there is not only science which tells about world but there is also something else in world which is more advance than science. So when it  is in physics , war and communication , we had been lost are treasure of knowledge and technology which we have in past So by this, we can say at last   that there is something before the science  and after the science which makes us  different than what we are now today .
       At last I want to say that
    This do not mean that science is   "
                but this also not mean that science is               
              "completely real            
