
Showing posts from 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “The one who take birth will remains forever with fear of death” We the human-either a priest or a traitor ,either a rich or poor ,either a fatalist or a pessimist, all we have the fear of death because we all exist in the cycle of time i.e. kalchakrya where nothing is immortal and permanent, where a man may come and man may go one day but this cycle of time goes and goes leaving behind both mighty and fellow peoples. Great civilisations came and go ,Great dictators came and go, there rules establish and abolish ,but there is nothing in the world which is more powerful than time and control the time because we can control our actions but not on  reactions  . In human history many scientist Had
                                                                 Time            Time is what which is boundless , which don't have alpha and omega ,It is what which we can't describe in words, we can't go beyond it and achieve it but the one who achieve time is the one who control the world. Here the question rise how we can achieve time , different peoples have different answers but according to me we can achieve time by changing it . Yes! time is what which is infinite and change by each our actions of present i.e. if you want to be a business man then your today decision and actions make your tomorrow means in other wards we are achieving what we want  in future. So this is how we achieving our future and time .                                                                 Time is basically a form of life which is not linear according to some religion such as Hinduism , it is a cycle of death and born where man may come and man may go , where no
              Beyond science                       Where we are ? Why we are?         By whom we are?          is all about           World... World is a boundless ocean of secrets ,we neither can see its omega nor alpha. It is a book of secrets having numerous secrets of the world , we can see it but we cant understand it 's language . That's why in our human history from Aryabhat  To Einstein ,from Ramaanujan to Steven hawking, none of them get success To understand  that what the world actually is ?Who we are? Why we are ?  "If there is no past then there will be no present no future" Yes! In human history our past play a vital role to shape what we are now . Lets think, If we unable to found old texts , monuments then can we able to get to know out  our past? can we able to know about our ancestors? If we enable to understand our past then we cannot make our present. As all our great scientist look over on the mythological boo